About IC-ACI

Indian professionals exchanged information and disseminated knowledge about Concrete Technology with USA from early days of 20th Century, even before there was an ACI. India Chapter of ACI was established on 26th December 1979 by a few enthusiastic concrete technologists to work directly under the patronship of ACI, USA for the “Development and Advancement of Good Practices of Concrete Technology” in India. Today, all India membership of the Chapter consists of over 2,500 concrete professionals and organizations including consulting engineers, concrete practitioners, academicians, researchers, consultants, civil engineers, material scientists, constructors, students etc. IC-ACI also has 26 student chapters all over India. The driving factor behind the activities of IC-ACI is its sole motto, “Progress Through Knowledge”.

The Chapter has a distinctive performance in organizing seminars, symposiums, technical lectures, meetings and workshops with the participation of experts in the field and professional bodies

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